Meet Shan Lai


{ on the boldness of the imagination }


“The visionary starts with a clean sheet of paper and reimagines the world” once stated the thinker Malcolm Gladwell”. A statement quite acknowledged by the young multidisciplinary artist Shan Lai through her unique way to mix the elements of her environment with the wanders of her imagination. From there come offbeat sculptures, installations and photographs, while always conveying a meaningful message.

The School of Visual Art student appropriates the urban space to give birth to architectural pieces, both audacious and aesthetic. Her artistic interpretations which can seem naive at first sight, in fact carry very strong statements with a desire to challenge the status quo tied to her culture (she is originally from Taiwan) as well as interrogating the purpose of the existence.

Take a few minutes to discover the amazing work of this talented artist!


Who are you Shan?

I am a multidisciplinary visual creator who mainly works on photography. I make it as the way to crystallize the transient emotion and my imaginary stories with scenery images. And for now, I'm studying at the MFA School of Visual Art & Photography.


Credits: Shan Lai - Trash Little Talk Series


What led you to become a visual artist?

My feelings toward light, color, shapes, textures, and scale which I'm very moved about. I am also pretty obsessed with visuals, and art is a way for me to connect inner and external worlds such as people, the environment and myself. Conceptualizing something abstract in my head that turns to be seen in real life is also a confirmation of my existence.

“Art is a way for me to connect the inner and external worlds such as people, the environment and myself”

Credits: Shan Lai - Clumsy Series

Credits: Shan Lai - Feminine Gaze Series

What are some of the things in your life you feel most grateful for?

Having five senses through which I can experience the world: being able to see the glinting from the edges of the leaves in a sunny day, the touch on my skin from the person I love, swinging my body when I hear my favorite music, having so much pleasure when tasting great food, or smelling something that feels very familiar.


What inspires you on a daily basis? 

The sensuality of the textures, the feeling of the objects, random people’s emotions every day in the subway. Louise Bourgeois. The account @sculpturenow on Instagram.


Credits: Shan Lai - Feminine Gaze Series

How do you pull yourself out of really low moments?

I try to zone out and listen to some music to stop overthinking. Also I always tell myself that nothing is wrong with feeling down sometimes. Or I take a step back when I'm not in the best mood to listen to negative words and criticism.

How do you incorporate self-care into your life?

I'm trying to have healthy food as much as I can, and not to lose myself into eat junk food whenever I feel stressed!


How would you define your personal style?

My style is pretty simple and black. I sometimes like a few indigenous prints or a nice floral dress.


What are your interior design inspirations?

My dream house would be warm toned, filled with patterned carpets and blankets and lots of plants all around. I also need a lot of natural light and be able to see trees from the window.

Credits: Pinterest

What is your New York go-to restaurant?

I'm dying for The Pho 127 E 23rd St - they serve an amazing Vien Hot noodle soup.

And your favorite coffee shop?

I usually head to Velvette Brew Coffee (251 Smith Street in Brooklyn), I love their iced mocha!


Credits: Shan Lai - Back to home Series

Credits: Shan Lai - Back to Home Series

Credits: Shan Lai - Clumsy Series

Credits: Shan Lai - Clumsy Series


Credits: Shan Lai - Clumsy Series


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