Meet Marine & Thibault - Black & Wood


{ On traveling off the beaten path }

Credits: Black&Wood

Adventure is a number one source of inspiration. And being an explorer is a unique way to get to learn about your true self, to see things with another perspective, to get out of your comfort zone.
As the greatest hedonists you could possibly imagine, Marine & Thibault - through their blog Black&Wood - experience life like only a few have the guts to live: full of road trips, passion, and love.
And they're sharing on unfaded.


Tell us about you!

We are Marine and Thibault, both web art directors, passionated with travel, architecture and design. Black&Wood is our travel and discovery blog where we share our tips and crushes on the cities and countries we've visited. 


How did you come up with the Black&Wood idea?

The Black&Wood adventure has started in early 2015: after hours browsing through tons of blogs to find the best addresses for our next trips, we couldn't wait to start our own blog. We have a lot of things to say too! 


Where do you get your inspiration from? 

Almost everywhere... We are very fond of graphic design, photography and architecture.
On photography, Instagram and Pinterest are our number one inspiration sources. We also spend a lot of time on blogs. Besides Black&Wood, we're both working as freelance artistic directors which forces us to permanently be aware the latests news and trends over the Internet. That is pretty helpful for the blog too!


What's your favorite part about what you do?

Probably the long nights spent on organizing our next trips! We get pretty excited when we have to create our itineraries, looking for original and offbeat places... These moments contribute to raise our excitement prior to a trip. 

Credits: Black&Wood


What's the best advice you would give people who struggle to realize their dreams?

This will sound a bit trivial but... DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO, and stop getting too carried away. This is obviously more or less easy depending on the situation. And we are not the most flawless on this. But you have to be able to take risks and go off the beaten track.
What is the point to constantly wait for a situation to be perfectly suited to your project, while time flies so quickly! 


If living there, where would we find you in NYC? 

If we were living in New York, we wouldn't hesitate for a second to go for a walk on the High Line during the weekends, or get homemade sodas at the Farmacy & Soda Fountain in Brooklyn.
And also - and a bit cliché - but as soon as we could we'd run to Coney Island, how lucky are New Yorkers to be that close to the beach!


Could you share some of your inspirational crushes with us ?

- Carnets de Traverse : Our N°1 reference as a travel blog, we love everything they do: the reworked pictures with a real bias, the perfectly written texts... the global quality of everything Julie and Renaud do! 

- Un Cercle : another great reference! We love Pauline and Mike's world, a bit dark and full of melancholia. And their videos are UN-BE-LIE-VA-BLE! une bien belle autre référence. 

- Haarkon : this is somewhat beyond the scope of travel blogs, but we have a real crush for the atmostphere and the work around plants of this English couple. Like them we love wandering in botanic gardens and the glasshouses, so inspiring!


Follow Marine and Thibault's adventures on the wonderful Black&Wood and their dreamy Instagram account @blackandwood_


Credits: Black&Wood


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